The 45th annual Starr County Fair, set for Thursday-Saturday, February 25-27, will feature events for the entire family. Get out your boots and hats and round up your entire family, as the theme for this year’s fair is “A Good ol’ Starr County Roundup.”
The Wild Game Dinner, held as a kickoff event for the fair, is scheduled for Saturday, February 20, and the pageant to select the Starr County Fair Queen and Princesses will be held on Sunday at the auditorium in Ft. Ringgold in Rio Grande City.
Mark your calendars with these important dates!
Get your dancing boots dusted off. This year’s fair will feature top entertainment for dancing and pleasure on Friday and Saturday evenings, and the carnival will be in full swing starting Wednesday evening. There will be something fun for the entire family, including a petting zoo for the kiddos.
Various stage performances will take place during the day by dance and music groups, featuring D.J. Johnny Zarate. The dancing, singing, and instrumental talents of Starr County students will be showcased.
Livestock, baking, youth and adult art, youth and adult arts and crafts, clothing, educational posters and farm shop competitions will be held throughout the three-day event, with exhibits to be viewed.
Chick and duck, rabbit, and pig scrambles will continue to be an open event for any youngster attending the fair. Sponsored by H.E.B., the scrambles will be on Friday and Saturday evenings.
At 6:00 p.m. on Thursday will be the official Opening Ceremony of the Fair, at which the winners of the Queen’s pageant and the scholarship winners will be introduced, as well as the Parade Marshal for 2010, Emma Gonzalez of Rio Grande City. Fair directors and all who help with the fair will also be recognized.
The trail ride and Starr County Fair parade will be on Saturday morning, February 27, at 10:00.
The cook-off is scheduled for Sunday, February 28 at the Fairgrounds and will begin at 8:00 a.m., which will also be the registration deadline. Judging will begin at 11:30. Cooking teams are encouraged to enter in various categories by contacting Mike Villarreal at 956-716-6830, or they may register on site by 8:00.
For more information about the fair, you may contact Lori Peterson Perez at 488-0122 during office hours or e-mail starrcountyfair@aol.com. For the Wild Game Dinner, contact Billy Canales at 487-2596. For the parade, call or text Tissa Peterson at 500-1430. For a booth, contact Aisha Cruz Reyes at 298-0709. For the pageant, call the Extension Office at 487-2306.