Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Join Texas Teens Read Club at RGC Public Library
Rio Grande City Public Library encourages readers to join our Texas Teens Read! designed to encourage youth to read for pleasure and to promote library usage.
Texas Teens Read! 2012 TSI: Realm of the Unknown
Teen Scene Investigation: Realm of the Unknown invites teens to enjoy programs on the future, mysteries, investigations, geocaching, and more! The purpose of Texas Teens Read! is to encourage teens to read during their summer vacations and become lifelong readers and library users, to establish the library as a safe and engaging space for teens, and to provide programming that will help teens become caring, responsible, and successful adults. Teen’s Reading Club will meet 4:00pm—5:00pm, Monday through Thursday beginning June 4, 2012 through June 28, 2012
JUNE 4-6 from 9:00am to 12:00pm. RGC Public Library is partnering with Leo Lopez III, RGC Youth Mentoring Program to bring you REVIVING THE RENAISSANCE. This FREE 3 day program designed for young people in Rio Grande City to expand and develop thinking, study skills, leadership, professionalism, and team-building. The program is designed for kids ages 12-15.
July 19 we will host Sue Young a singer, songwriter, bilingual storyteller who will provide a “Create Your Own Songs” workshop of teens. Rio Grande City Public Library, 591 E Canales St., Rio Grande City, 956-487-4389. For the latest news on Library events check www.rgclibrary.org and https://www.facebook.com/rgclibrary
Monday, May 28, 2012
Guillen Announces $2 Million in State Grants for Starr Co.
State Representative Ryan Guillen announced May 25th that Starr County, the City of Roma, and the City of Escobares will be the recipients of Disaster Recovery grants totaling $2 million to help in the county's and cities' efforts to repair flood damage, install street lighting, and solve drainage issues.
"Strong, reliable infrastructure must be present for our South Texas communities to continue to thrive in the years to come," said Rep. Guillen. "These grants are another step in the right direction for Starr County and they are testament to the hard work and dedication of local leaders."
In response to devastation caused by Hurricanes Ike and Dolly, the Federal government has provided approximately $3 billion to Texas to assist in recovery efforts. These funds have been provided to help communities across the state address important infrastructure needs affecting their residents. Infrastructure funds are available to help local communities rebuild or improve infrastructure, such as flood control, street repair, and water or sewer facility improvements. In addition to damages caused by Hurricanes Ike and Dolly, the Disaster Recovery grants would help alleviate any future flood damage.
Previously administered by the Texas Department of Rural Affairs (TDRA) and Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA), the Texas General Land Office is now the lead state agency managing Disaster Recovery Grants through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
For more information on the Texas General Land Office's Disaster Recovery Program, please visit www.glo.texas.gov/GLO/disaster-recovery-funding/.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Starr County Students Shine at Regional Upward Bound Bowl
South Texas College Upward Bound Program students had the opportunity to host the regional Upward Bound Academic Challenge Bowl at STC’s Starr County Campus this spring. The 65 Roma, Rio Grande and La Grulla high school students involved in the program hosted more than 250 high school students from as far away as Uvalde in a daylong celebration of academics and sports.
“The point of the bowl is to encourage our students to put their talents and abilities to the test,” explained program coordinator Delicia Ramirez. “They compete in a series of academic competitions including math, science, spelling, ready-writing, poetry interpretation, persuasive speaking and artistic expression. The students look forward to this all year long.”
STC’s Starr County Campus Upward Bound Program is a federally funded grant program for low income and first generation college students. It provides the students with supplemental instruction and tutoring, preparing them to enter and succeed in post-secondary education.
“I competed in the college bowl and it’s pretty exciting,” said ninth grader from Valze Amador, who is with the Southwest Texas Junior College UB Program. “The experience was pretty fun.”
Eric Sigluero, a sophomore with the Texas A&M Corpus Christi UB Program said, “I was pretty pumped about this. I’ve been studying for a month to prepare for the competition. It’s been hard work, but I think we will do well.”
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
South Texas College Starr County Campus Psych Club Awards First Scholarship

By: STC Starr County Campus Psychology Club
This spring semester, because of the support received from across the community, the STC Starr County Campus Psychology Club awarded its first scholarship to a club member who graduated from STC in May 2012. The $1,000 STC Starr County Campus Psychology Club Scholarship recipient was Ruby Rivera, who graduated from an associate’s degree in psychology. Rivera was presented as the first recipient of the scholarship at the STC Starr Campus Graduation Convocation on May 4, 2012.
Rivera, who is a Rio Grande City High School 2010 graduate, will transfer to The University of Texas-Pan American this fall to continue her studies toward a bachelor’s degree. She aspires to teach at the high school level and simultaneously attend graduate school to earn a master’s degree in counseling.
“Ruby is a highly-motivated and goal-oriented person who strives for excellence,” said Eli Sarabia. “We were pleased to award her this scholarship and hope it will be the motivation to keep her working hard toward all her goals.”
South Texas College’s Starr County Campus Psychology Club has been in existence for three years with STC psychology instructors Eli Sarabia and Alex Sarabia as the advisors. During this time, the club has performed community service including participating in Relay for Life and the Manuel Benavidez Walk-a-Thon and donating of clothes to Starr County Community Closet. Club members have also coordinated educational events like the first “Starr County Role Models Get Inspired Conference” and fun events like “Starr County’s Got Talent.” Most importantly, the club has engaged in numerous fundraisers including car washes and holiday basket raffles, all with the hopes of raising scholarship money.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Rose Benavidez Sworn in for Second Term on South Texas College Board
Starr County native Rose Benavidez was recently sworn in to serve a second term on South Texas College’s Board of Trustees. Benavidez, who serves as the District 1 representative on the board representing the constituents of Starr County, first ran in Nov. 2009 to serve the unexpired term of her belated father, Manuel Benavidez Jr. She currently serves as the vice chair of the board, as well as a member of the board’s Facilities Committee and Finance and Human Resources Committee.
“On a night much like this in November 2009 I stood before you privileged to be elected to serve the remainder of my father’s term,” Benavidez said at her swearing in ceremony. “It was a difficult time and words were hard to come by, but your support allowed me to ensure that his legacy endures. I was proud to be the person chosen to continue his fight of providing and expanding access to education in this community.
“I continue my service with a commitment to the students and residents of the South Texas College District to guarantee that prosperity is within everyone’s reach,” she continued. “Today STC serves more than 30,000 students, with nearly 2,500 Starr County residents attending classes at one of our six campuses - a clear testament that STC is not a backup plan, but a forefront choice to an affordable and quality education. The responsibility of affording access comes with many challenges, so our work must continue. While so much has changed on these old cantaloupe fields that STC’s Starr County Campus now sits on, they continue to be harvested only today - they cultivate success.”
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Villarreal Shines at Texas UIL Girls Golf Championships
Lady Rattler Golfer Gabriella Villarreal scored 2 outstanding rounds 78-80 which led to All Valley Girls at the UIL Regional Golf Championships held at the Golf Club of Texas, in San Antonio. Gabriella a senior at Rio Grande City High School placed 13th overall out of 65 girls who competed in the tournament. She is also a 3 time Regional Qualifier and has won 4 tournaments this season.Gabriella is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Javier Villarreal.
Friday, May 18, 2012
RGCCISD Chance 2B Center Announces Graduate
Rosalinda Hernandez needed 7.5 credits to graduate from high school and RGCCISD Chance2B Education Center provided the necessary online courses that enabled her to meet her high school graduation requirements on April 24, 2012. Rosalinda Hernandez was born in Rio Grande City and raised in a family of eight. She attended J & O Hinojosa Elementary, North Grammar Elementary, Ringgold Middle School, and Rio Grande City High School. She migrated every summer to La Fayette, Indiana to work in the fields. Rosalinda is the first in her family to graduate from high school. Ms. Hernandez would like to pursue a career in Orthodontics. She was honored for her achievement on April 26, 2012 at RGCCISD Chance 2B Center. Congratulations Rosalinda for your accomplishment!!!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
La Union Elementary Students Honored for Perfect Attendance
La Union Elementary school students proudly display their six weeks awards. Students are selected for this award for perfect attendance in a six week period or achieving honor roll in a six week period.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Ochoa Recognized for Volunteer Efforts

Rio Grande City High School promotes safety during Spring Break. "Each year the RGCHS coordinates a Safe Spring Break Project with the help of several community leaders," said Mrs. Jessica Vera-Rios, Counselor. Mr. Juan Ocha has volunteered Ochoa's Wrecker Service to provide the crashed cars demonstration on the school front lawn for the past 5 years. This year Mr. Ochoa was recognized with a Certificate of Appreciation for his continued support and volunteer work towards helping the youth at RGCHS over the years! He was presented with a gift bag and framed certificate from Mrs.Vera-Rios. On behalf of Mr. Adolfo Pena, staff, and students, we sincerely thank Mr. Ochoa for his generosity and civil service."
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
General Ricardo Sanchez Elementary hosted an Earth Day Celebration
General Ricardo Sanchez Elementary hosted an Earth Day Celebration in which parents, community members and students gathered to plant some trees and enjoy a ceremony with music, poem, recitals and other activities; most importantly they learned that they have the power to make a difference in caring for Mother Earth. Eight trees were planted by Student Council students while the rest of the students observed and learned the process.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Ringgold Middle School Band Members Achieve Top Honors in Region
RMS had eight students participate in the Region XV All-Valley Clinic and Concert on January 2012 at the La Joya Fine Arts Auditorium. A select few were chosen after they competed against other students from Roma to Alamo. The following students achieved this honor through their hard work and dedication. Pictured (L-R) Emmanuel Lopez (Euphonium), Cesar Garcia (Cornet), Abbygail Cortinas (Percussion), Raul Bazan (Tenor Saxophone), Jocelynn Ramirez (Bb Clarinet), Laisha Mendoza (Alto Saxophone), Ricardo Mendez (Alto Saxophone), and Gerardo Gundran (Alto Saxophone).
Sunday, May 13, 2012
North Grammar Elementary, HEB Observe Earth Day
NGE LOVES GREEN- North Grammar Elementary joined forces with HEB to make this Earth Day a special one. For weeks, students and staff collected plastic bags to give to our local HEB for recycling. This project, spearheaded by Ms. Jessica Saenz and Ms. Helen Gonzalez, was such a huge success that North Grammar Elementary ended up turning in the most bags in our area. In return, HEB generously donated an eco-friendly, reusable bag to each student. Throughout the school year, the students and staff of North Grammar Elementary have worked together to do their part in protecting our planet, and HEB stores across the state are committed to conservation awareness. By working together, we can make EVERYDAY EARTHDAY!!!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Rio Grande City 2012 City Election Results Announced
We have just received the Official Final 2012 RGC Election Totals, they are as follows:
- Ruben O. Villarreal 1180
- Arturo Lopez 451
- Ray Ramirez 1414
- Juan Andy Hernandez 541
- Dave Chachi Jones 1082
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RGHERALD.com is dedicated to serving the good people of Starr County Texas. For the most part, our website has been updated and maintained by voluntary efforts using free online resources. To be able to maintain the highest quality of service possible however, we've decided to upgrade from most free services with hopes of expanding our ability to serve our community. We've concluded that a great, and mutually beneficial way to help cover some of the expenses associated with these upgrades is through local sponsorship advertising.
By participating in one of our sponsorship advertising programs, not only will you be helping us continue with our efforts, but your business, organization, cause or event will receive exposure to potentially hundreds of page views a day on our main Blog/Website and be accessible via our social-media outlets (facebook/twitter).
Roque Guerra Jr. Elementary Holds Autism Awareness Program
Roque Guerra, Jr. Elementary School holds "Roping Autism Awareness" as a culmination to a month long National Autism Awareness Month. The program began with a welcome by the school's principal Mrs. Virginia Gonzalez who was elated to see so many parents at this program. Mayor Ruben Villarreal presented the school with a proclamation for Autism Awareness Day. The Mayor congratulated the students, parents and others that were present in this event. Villarreal said "the word for today will be happiness" because we should be happy that a school has implemented such an outreach to educate students, parents and the community on autism.
Dr. Daria Babineaux made a special presentation to demonstrate how children with autism hear and see things. She said that together as a community we can help children to fit in. Dr. "B" hopes that as it becomes known that awareness meetings such as this can help to insure more people are aware of how special this children are. Students Joshua Marroquin and Horacio Castillo recited poems that depict how individuals with autism are made to feel and just want to be made to feel like they belong. The All Starr Students performed a dance to the delight of the audience.
Pedro Saenz a 21 year old graduate from San Isidro High School spoke of his success as an autistic person. His mother spoke of her ordeal when her son was diagnosed at 2 1/2 years of age and how proud she is of him for having overcome many challenges in his life. She urged everyone to have patience and perseverance with these special individuals because the outcome can be wonderful.
Local College Holds Talent Show, Funds Scholarship
By: Alex Sarabia, STC Starr County Campus Adjunct Psychology Instructor and Psychology Club Advisor
The STC Starr County Campus Psychology Club hosted its first “Starr County’s Got Talent!” talent show in mid-April at the campus Auditorium. The event was open for STC faculty, staff, and students, as well as to the community. More than 180 people attended the talent show and about $500 was fundraised from the participation and admission fees. The money will be used to contribute to the $1,000 Psychology Club Scholarship that will be awarded to an STC graduate this May.
The first place winner and recipient of $100 was the “Knights Dance Krew (KDK)” from F.J. Scott Elementary in Roma, Texas. Second place and $75 was given to dancers Jonathan Cruz and April Salinas from Roma High School. Krystal Morales from La Grulla Middle School (Rio Grande CISD), who sang “In the Arms of an Angel,” won third place and $50. Contestants showcased a variety of talents, from singing and dancing, to performing magic and playing musical instruments. The main purpose of the event was to showcase the talent Starr County has, entertain the community, and raise money for the STC Psychology Club Scholarship.
Veterans Middle School Wins UIL Dist. Championship
VETERANS MIDDLE SCHOOL – Congratulations to the UIL students and coaches from Veterans Middle School for winning the UIL District Championship Title for the fourth year in a row! The District UIL Meet was held on March 31, 2012 at Ringgold Middle School. VMS is very proud of these students and coaches for their long hours of dedication, commitment, and hard work all year so that they could achieve the ultimate prize in this yearly competition. Congratulations once again for being the UIL District Champs 4 years in a row!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Grulla Middle School Students Attend Tabacco Prevention Event
Grulla Middle School Teens Against Drugs Members traveled to Sandia, Texas on February 25 & 26 to attend a Tobacco Prevention Leadership training sponsored by Texas School Safety Center Texas State University San Marcos, Texas.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
2012 RGC Early Voting Numbers Lower Than Previous Election (Or are They?)
The Rio Grande City 2012 early voting final tally was 1,269. Since there were no elections in 2010 or 2008, the last notable city election was in 2007 which brought in and approximate 2,464 votes. Making a direct comparison between the 2012 and the 2007 is difficult however, since the 2007 elections also included a Rio Grande City CISD Bond Issue, which could explain the significantly higher voter turnout. (Final City Election results to be announced Saturday May 12, 2012.)
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Roque Guerra Students Explore Insect World
Roque Guerra, Jr. Elementary students from Mrs. Gracie Duran's Pre-kinder class spent an exciting morning gathering ants for their ant farm. They are learning about ants in Science. They are learning about the different body parts, colonies, habitats, diet and ant types. Students enjoyed this hands on lesson.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Students, Teachers Observe McTeacher Night
Ringgold Elementary students, parents and staff were at McDonald’s on Thursday, April 10, 2012 for Mc Teacher Night. McDonald’s encourages fundraising events like Mc Teacher Night in which the school is allowed to keep a percentage of the proceeds for that evening. Thanks to the students, parents and community for coming out to support Ringgold Elementary during this very successful event.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Dr. Mario Ramirez Elementary Students Explore Alphabet
Dr. Mario Ramirez Elementary Pre-Kinder students participated in a special in class activity on April 20, 2012. The students from Mrs. E. Garcia’s class participated in a clay activity in which they molded the letters of the alphabet with it using a guide.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Ringgold Middle School TMSCA State-Bound
Ringgold Middle School congratulates three TMSCA (Texas Math and Science Coaches Association) state qualifiers: Jahziel Rico for Science (8th grade), Abel Barrientos for Number Sense (6th grade), and Luis Gonzalez for Mathematics and Number Sense (6th grade). State competition will be held at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Students participating in this event compete against other state qualifiers. This is a huge achievement on their part for having exerted a strong effort and dedication to succeed in these events. It is with great pride that RMS is sending these talented individuals to represent Rio Grande City CISD. To show support and encouragement, their peers hosted a pep rally in their honor. Fellow UIL contestants expressed boisterous shouts to congratulate the boys, whom they already consider winners.
Starr County Students Inspired by Local Role Models
Students at South Texas College’s Starr County Campus were excited to hear about the personal experiences of some local role models during two events this spring.
The campus Psychology Club presented “Get Inspired: Starr County Role Models,” which was a roundtable discussion featuring Roma ISD Superintendent Jesus O. Guerra Jr., STC Adjunct Psychology Instructor Alexandro Sarabia, City of Roma Councilman Jaime Escobar Jr. and Rio Grande City Mayor Ruben O. Villarreal. The four discussed their accomplishments in life and how they overcame obstacles to succeed.
“There is no such thing as perfect. Once you accept the status quo, you have already failed,” explained Mayor Villarreal. “There is always a better way to do something. That’s why I love my job so much, there is always a way to give people better service and more service. There is always a new challenge and the reward of helping the people I serve. Always remember that and it will keep you grounded to your mission in the future.”
Friday, May 4, 2012
Students Make "Creepy, Crawly" Web Designs
Design a Web! Ac2E 4th graders designed their own creepy, crawly spider webs and spiders after reading The Girl Who Loved Spiders. A very interesting fact that students learned was that photographers make spider webs more visible by dusting them with cornstarch.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
RGC High School Student Council Visits Capitol
On April 30, State Representative Ryan Guillen welcomed Rio Grande City High School Student Council members to the Texas State Capitol during their visit to Austin. Rep. Guillen provided the young leaders with a detailed explanation of the process House members go through when voting on legislation. Later that day, he presented an honorary House gavel to the Student Council, commemorating their trip. Included in the photograph: Julio Villalobos, Jennifer Rodriguez, Noel Garcia, Rodrigo Renteria III, Savannah Saenz, Aaron Reyna, Monica J. Coronel, Adrian Reyna, Brittney Salinas, Karina Segovia, Lisette Segovia, Julissa Peña, Amber Pratt, Jose Luis Perez, high school advisor Omar Riojas, and Student Council sponsor Cynthia Alaniz.
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