Elizabeth “Bitsy” Margo was honored by the GFWC/TFWC Florence J. Scott Study Club of Rio Grande City as their Outstanding Clubwoman Volunteer for 2008. She was later selected as the Outstanding Clubwoman Volunteer of the Year for the South Texas District of TFWC, which was announced at the Spring Convention in Kingsville. She was subsequently recognized at the Texas Federation of Women’s Clubs state convention in Westlake, Texas, where she was congratulated by the State and International presidents.
Bitsy Margo has been very active in all club programs and projects since she joined the Florence J. Scott Study Club in 1974. She was involved when the club planned its very first A.I.M. Banquet and has been instrumental in its success. Having taught for 15 years and served as an elementary counselor for 16 years, Bitsy is very dedicated to serving youth and to education, the dual purpose of the annual A.I.M. event. Honorees from Rio Grande City High School are chosen for their exemplary achievements. The honor is very competitive and much sought-after. This event is held during April, so the club celebrates Federation Day by informing the youth and their guests about the club and federation and their goals and purposes. In 2007, Bitsy gave the Federation Day Program at the banquet, and the event was a big success with her able leadership.
Other participation in the F. J. Scott Study Club includes having held the offices of president twice, 1989-91 and 1993-94, corresponding secretary, recording secretary, and parliamentarian. Bitsy has served on the following committees: program, yearbook, membership, finance, service, amendments & revisions, publicity, reports, social, scholarship and telephone. She has chaired the Education, Special Projects, Home Life, and the Arts Departments.
Bitsy’s community involvement is quite extensive. She and her husband of 36 years, Javier, are active members of Immaculate Conception Church and are active in El Cid Caravan 106, she with the Sultanas. A Life Member of the Girl Scouts of America, 32 years, and Troop Leader for 16 years, she served as community cookie chair for five years and Council and Troop Advisor, six years. She received the Elizabeth Anne Seton Religious Medal presented by Tip of Texas Girl Scout Council and the Diocese of Brownville for religious education to Girl Scouts. A member of Beta Sigma Phi since 1993, Bitsy has served as president, parliamentarian, and chapter sweetheart of Beta Eta Tau, which honored her as Woman of the Year in 1997. She also served as president, parliamentarian and chapter sweetheart of Beta Zeta Omicron, which bestowed the honor of Woman of the Year in 1993. She served as the Miss Rio Grande City Pageant Chairwoman for eight years.
Bitsy attended Rio Grande City Schools, has a B.A. in Elementary Ed. with a minor in History and a Masters of Adult Education with certifications in Counseling, History, Bilingual Education and Special Education. A highly respected educator, Bitsy is a member of A.T.P.E., the Association of Texas Professional Educators, and the Texas Counseling Association, was named Roque Guerra, Jr. Elementary School’s “Teacher of the Year” for 2000-2001, and has received three nominations to Who’s Who among American Educators. She has served her school as Cheerleader sponsor, Student Council sponsor, Safety Patrol sponsor, and has been on the Site-based Decision Making Committee, six years; Campus Leaders’ Committee, two years; Language Proficiency Assessment Committee, 14 years; and Gifted and Talented Campus Committee, 12 years.
Other organizations include the American Association of University Women, six years, D.A.R., two years, 4-H Adult Leader, and SCAN, the Starr County Coalition for the prevention of alcohol, tobacco and drug abuse.
Activities and Charities which have benefitted from her volunteer service and tremendous organizational skills are the annual Math-a-Thon for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, 20 years, Bike-a-thon for St. Jude’s, three years, March of Dimes, Jerry’s Kids (MDA), M. D. Anderson Hospital, and Toys for Tots. She has coordinated annual Food Drives for Thanksgiving and Christmas, Red Ribbon Activities, and Breast Cancer Awareness campaigns. She has served for many years as a Starr County Youth Fair projects judge and has been involved in fundraising for United Way, Ronald McDonald House, and Pennies for Patients for children who are leukemia patients. These many accomplishments were achieved while raising two children, Javier David Margo, Jr. MD and Denise Yvette Margo Moy. She and Javier now have two granddaughters, Kara Elizabeth Moy and Gabriella Rose Margo. Despite a busy family life, work schedule, and volunteer service, she enjoys her hobbies of baking, sewing, crafts, scrapbooking, and photography.
She has held TFWC District Chairmanships, including MD Anderson, Texas Heritage, Special Projects, Home Life, and the Arts. She has always faithfully and promptly reported to TFWC from her South Texas District appointments. She has been an important leader in hosting numerous District Level Fall Board meetings and Spring Conventions over the years. The F. J. Scott Study Club is proud to announce Bitsy Margo as our Outstanding Clubwoman/Volunteer for 2008 and to congratulate her for South Texas District and TFWC honors.
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