The meeting was held in the Courthouse Annex Conference Room.
The agenda item concerning the landfill read as follows: “Discuss and take action to approve Starr County advertising for Request for Qualifications-Professional Engineering Services to prepare plan and certify the closure of the existing landfill.”
Maxine Perez of the Federal/State Programs Office declared, “Engineering services need to be secured for this purpose. This refers to advertising.”
The commissioners tabled for the time being the matter of declaring El Doce Road a county road. County Attorney Victor Canales explained, “This is a (family) partition from back in the 80’s. It’s a private road; there’s no public access road. The family indicates they conveyed the road to the county back in the 80’s.”
Canales added, “We’re asking to name the road for 9-1-1 purposes. We haven’t found any documentation that the road was conveyed (in the 1980’s).”
County Judge Eloy Vera noted, “The item on the agenda refers to declaring.” Canales stated, “I suggest that you table the item as far as the issue of declaring is concerned.”
At the request of County Attorney Canales, the commissioners approved a resolution for the submission of a VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) Continuous Grant Application for the Victims of Domestic Violence Program.
The commissioners approved a resolution to submit an application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for the 2008 HOME Program-Owner Occupied Housing Assistance Program for Starr County residents (mostly in the Roma-Escobares area) affected by the flooding disaster of Aug. 18, 2008.
The commissioners ratified the approval of a resolution authorizing submittal of an application to the South Texas Development Council (STDC) for 2010/2011 Regional Solid Waste Grants Program.
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