enjoyed time at regional academic bowl.
By: Delicia Ramirez, STC Upward Bound Program Coordinator
On Saturday, April 10, 2010, 41 students from STC’s Upward Bound Program competed at the 33rd Annual South Texas Upward Bound Academic Bowl. The event was held at Coastal Bend College, in Beeville, Texas. STC participants competed with approximately 250 students from Laredo Community College, Texas A&M Corpus Christi and Coastal Bend College.
The STC students, who live in Roma and Rio Grande City took part in competitions to gauge their skills in science, math, writing, persuasive speaking, and art, among others. Students practiced diligently during their Saturday classes and held review sessions on their own to prepare for the contests. Participants also formed two teams and competed in co-ed volleyball and basketball, bringing home the first place trophy for volleyball.
Following is a list of the top STC winners:
Science I
First place - Iliana Cantu
Second place - Viviana Vidal
Third place - Erick T. Guerra
Science II
First place - Alexis I. Garcia
Second place - Jose Bermea
Math I
Fourth place - Valentina Flores
Ready Writing
Fifth place - Karina Segovia
Persuasive Speaking
Third place - Abiel Cantu
Artistic Expression
First place in “Best Instrumental” - Mariel Guerra
Third place overall - Mariel Guerra
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