Plans are underway for a celebration of 20 years of existence for the Rio Grande City Public Library, to be held Thursday, August 12, 2010. The event will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. with tours and door prizes to be given every hour. The focus will be on the library’s three main objectives: to promote literacy, culture, and history. Local historians and artists are invited to display and share their art, music, stories, or photographs throughout the day. Call Librarian Norma Fultz to select your time of appearance or to arrange for your display. Special guests will be the students of the Starr County Public Library Club sponsored by the social studies classes of Mrs. Estela Hernandez at Ringgold Junior High 1981-1984. A scrapbook they created will be on display, along with other historical artifacts. Pictured are Mrs. Fultz, Mrs. Hernandez, Library Board President Judy Solis, Friends of the Library President Rosa E. Gonzalez, and other Library Friends and board members.
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