Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ringgold MS Hosts Veteran's Day Program

RGCCISD Press Release
Ringgold Middle School celebrated Veteran's Day on Monday, Nov. 8, 2010, with a Veteran's Day Program at the Ft. Ringgold Auditorium.  The featured guest speaker for this event was one of the district's very own Capt. Jose Manuel Sanchez, currently a teacher at Grulla High School.  RMS also honored its own Veteran employees with a breakfast and a certificate of appreciation that was presented to them by the RMS Student Council and administration.

Community Gathers for Veterans Day Event

(caption below)
Veteran’s Day at South Texas College allowed veterans of every age to gather and herald the service and sacrifice of America’s armed forces. Hundreds attended ceremonies at all five of the college’s campuses, including many student and staff veterans, as well as community members.

“It was a wonderful feeling to be part of the crowd, seeing all our students and staff  veterans being honored for their bravery,” said STC President Shirley A. Reed. “The sacrifice it takes to leave your family behind to protect our country is something I have always admired. Veteran’s Day will always be a very important day at the college and we believe that our service to and thanks for our veterans is not a one day thing, but something we practice every day at STC.”

Big Changes Coming for RGC's FM755

Road work continues along Rio Grande City's FM 755, the ongoing project consists of the conversion of a section of 755 into a one-way southbound lane, and the conversion of a section of Avasolo St. into a one-way northbound lane. We will have more information on this project as it develops.

Ringgold Elem. Honors Veterans

RGCCISD Press Release
Happy Veterans Day (November 11, 2010).  On Tuesday, November 9, 2010 Ringgold Elementary School held a breakfast and Pre-Kinder students performed several patriotic songs for our Veterans.  Ringgold Elementary truly appreciates everything you do, and have done, to preserve the freedoms we hold today. Thank you to the Veterans and to those who serve today from the bottom of my hearts at Ringgold Elementary.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Teenager Arrested, Possession of 456 lbs. of Marijuana

 Local media reports a seventeen-year-old individual identified only as Solis (last name) was arrested in connection with possession of 456 pounds of Marijuana.The arrest happened on Nov. 22, 2010 on Hwy. 83 and Pete Diaz. (Source : Enlace Newspaper, Vol.6 No.05)

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VMS Mariachi Headed to San Antonio

(caption below)
(Submitted Press Release)
The Mariachi director, Mr. Eloy Garza, sincerely thanks Mr. Joel Trigo, VMS Principal, VMS Administration, VMS family, the community, and all the proud parents for their support.  Congratulations again to the VMS Mariachi for their hard work, dedication, and pride in representing Veterans Middle School and Rio Grande City in a positive manner.  Best of luck to the VMS Mariachi also because they will now be preparing to compete in the upcoming 16th Annual Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza mariachi competition in San Antonio , Texas on December 3rd  at the Municipal Auditorium. Best wishes on all of their upcoming events and competitions this coming year. Congratulations VMS Mariachi!

Save up to 81% on your favorite Musical Equipment at American Musical Supply

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Suspect Wanted in Murder of Starr County Man

 Suspect Wanted in Murder of Starr County Man HIDALGO COUNTY - Sheriff deputies charged one man with the shooting of an illegal immigrant who lived in Starr County, while another suspect remains on the run. (Source: Valley Media)

Drug cartel member's body found in Starr County

Drug cartel member's body found in Starr County: "Authorities are asking for the public's help in identifying the body of an alleged drug cartel memeber whose body was found floating in the Rio Grande."

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ringgold Elem. celebrates Bus Safety Week

RGCCISD Press Release 
Ringgold Elementary celebrates Bus Safety Week 2010. “Cross in View, It’s the Right Thing to Do!” was the official theme for Bus Safety Week, October 18-22, 2010.  The bus drivers went over everything from bus safety rules to emergency exits and evacuation. Ringgold Elementary recognized school bus drivers for their ongoing dedication to the safety of all students under their care and their valuable contributions. Pictured are 5th grade students from Mrs. Elvia Garza’s class along with our Rio Grande City CISD school bus drivers. Thank You for your hard work and dedication.

Free* ADT-Monitored Home Security System. Details apply. Click here for more info.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Rep. Celebrates "Young Reader Week" at Local School

AUSTIN --- On the morning of Nov. 9, State Representative Ryan Guillen, D-Starr County, had the pleasure of reading to students at John & Olive Hinojosa Elementary School in Rio Grande City in recognition of National Young Readers Week. Rep. Guillen read the children's book "House Mouse, Senate Mouse" to a group of fifth grade students in Angelica Garza's and Iris Garza's classes.

"Encouraging our students to read regularly is imperative," said Rep. Guillen. "Practicing good reading habits at an early age helps one to build a strong foundation for success later in life."

"House Mouse, Senate Mouse," written and illustrated by Cheryl Shaw Barnes and Peter W. Barnes, gives children a vivid glimpse of the common duties of legislators and teaches them the concept of how a bill becomes a law.

National Young Readers Week, held this year from Nov. 8 to 12, is an annual event co-founded in 1989 by Pizza Hut® and the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress. The event was created to encourage our nation's youth  to become lifelong readers.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Congressman Submits Thanksgiving Holiday Statement

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28), made the following statement regarding the Thanksgiving holiday:

“Each year at this time, we set aside a day to reflect upon our blessings as Americans and look forward to gathering with our families to enjoy a dinner of thanks. But there are others who are far away from their families and working hard to protect our nation. There are 41,670 veterans in the 28th congressional district of Texas and 23,067,000 veterans in America. I’d like to thank these brave men and women who have served and those currently serving for ensuring our freedom, one of the greatest blessings that we celebrate today. And to wish everyone in South Texas a safe Thanksgiving holiday.”

GRS Elem. Participates in National Campaign

RGCCISD Press Release
General Ricardo Sanchez Elementary students and staff participated in the national campaign- Red Ribbon Week- on October 25-29, 2010.  The campaign is to teach students about the history of this event, the dangers of substance abuse and the importance of choosing to be drug-free.  Community members from Rio Grande City Police Department, Roma Police Department, Texas Department of Public Safety and others volunteered their time to give live motivational presentations. Their main focus was on the dangers of substance abuse and their consequences.  Students were introduced to a K-9 agent and became familiar with its duties; they also met McGruff who came to teach kids how to stay safe.  On behalf of General Ricardo Sanchez Elementary students and staff we would like to thank all the volunteers for their unconditional support.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

RMS Students Win Big at Valley Competition

RGCCISD Press Release
RMS Choir students participated in the Region 15 Choir Solo & Ensemble Competition at Lincoln Middle School in McAllen, TX.  All earned a Superior I rating.  The students are:  Michael Garcia, Eric Medelez, and Kayla Rodriguez.  These students are under the direction of Annabelle Zapata.

Monday, November 22, 2010

RMS Triumphs at UIL Meet

RGCCISD Press Release 
Ringgold Middle School participated at the Ann Richards Middle School UIL TMSCA Invitational Meet on Saturday, October 30, 2010.  RMS competed against other middle schools from the Valley.  The students did excellent by winning many trophies and ribbons.  Overall, the RMS UIL team received 1st place sweepstakes in all categories:  6th Grade Category and 7th & 8th Grade Category.  RMS administration wishes to express a big thank you to the UIL parents and UIL coaches for their continuous support. Congratulations to the RMS UIL team!

RGCCISD Career &Technical Education Dept. to Host Career Fair

The Rio Grande City CISD Career and Technical Education Department (CTE), will be hosting a Career Fair on Tuesday, November 30, 2010, at Rio Grande City High School Gymnasium. This event offers students from Rio High School and Grulla High School the opportunity to obtain information from the programs the schools have to offer. Career and Technology Instructors and staff will be on hand to answer questions. Students are encouraged to meet with the presenters and ask questions pertaining to the occupations. They can also secure brochures on pertinent information in order to gain knowledge for career preparation. 

For more information on this event contact Mr. Arturo Menchaca (CTE Director) at 488-6000 or Mrs. Agueda Garza (CTE Career Specialist) at 488-6036.

Study: Winter Texans have Huge Impact on Local Economy

Attracted by the Rio Grande Valley's warm climate, friendly people and low cost-of-living, retirees from the north —dubbed "Winter Texans"—have been travelling to the Rio Grande Valley to spend their winters for more than 40 years.

Since 1987, The Valley Markets and Tourism Research Center http://www.utpa.edu/coba/tourism/ in the College of Business Administration at The University of Texas-Pan American has been studying their activities, interests and impact on the region. The center's most recent biennial study published this fall —the Winter Texan 2009-2010 Study—indicates an estimated 144,000 Winter Texans or 75,000 households were in the Valley during the 2009-2010 season and their spending resulted in a $802.5 million direct impact on the Valley economy.

Dr. Penny Simpson, UTPA professor of marketing, associate dean of the College of Business Administration and the center's director, said this year's study included 1,138 Winter Texans and 84 RV and mobile home park respondents to a questionnaire distributed early this year in the Winter Texan Times, a local print publication targeted to the winter visitors.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Grulla Elem. Welcomes Visitors

RGCCISD Press Release
Grulla Elementary had the pleasure of welcoming Cesar Chapa a 3rd grader from North Grammar Elementary. Cesar’s teacher is Mr. Adrian Garcia and Ms. Maribel Diaz is Cesar’s one-to-one teacher aide. Cesar visited with Lupita Vargas a 2nd grader in Mrs. Nancy Cahue’s classroom. Ms. Viola Ortiz is Lupita’s one-to-one teacher aide. Mrs. Marino a teacher with the Special Education Department coordinated a meeting between these two students.  Both students cannot see but with the support of the parents and staff these students are succeeding.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Miss Texas Visits Grulla Elem.

RGCCISD Press Release 
Grulla Elementary students and staff had the privilege of listening to Miss Texas 2010, Ashely Melnick, as she spoke about decision making and accepting others and their differences. Miss Texas inspired us by sharing her own personal experiences and singing two beautiful melodies. Pictured are Mrs. Leonor Rodriguez-Counselor, Mrs. Rachel Hernandez-Counselor, Miss Texas, Mr. Bermea and his third grade class.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Novemberfest 2010


NG Elem. Students are "College-Bound"

(Caption Below)
It’s official! All 591 students currently attending North Grammar Elementary School in Rio Grande City are college-bound. The school is now partnered with South Texas College through its Operation College Bound Program to ensure its students continually receive messages about college and college preparation.

“We have a lot of students whose parents did not have the opportunity to go to college and we want our students to start thinking about higher education and that high school isn’t the end of their education; we want to create a college-going environment for them,” said Ricardo Saenz, school principal. “The students are very excited about this program. It will encourage them think beyond just grade school, middle school and high school. It will encourage them to do better academically and bring their grades up.”

Thursday, November 18, 2010

RGC Library Hosts Winter Reading Program for Children

Rio Grande City Public Library is currently registering children for our Winter Reading Program, Read to Achieve supported by the Rio Grande Valley Vipers. Participants will receive one ticket to attend Rio Grande City Public Library Night Out with the Vipers Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at the State Farm Arena.  A special prize will be awarded to the child that reads the most books between now and January 21, 2011.

National Basketball Association’s (NBA) supports this program to help young people develop a life-long love for reading and encourage adults to read regularly to children. Reaching an estimated 50 million children a year, Read to Achieve is the most extensive educational outreach initiative in the history of professional sports.

Please visit us at 591 E. Canales Bros, Rio Grande City, TX or call 956-487-4389. You can visit us www.rgclibrary.com

Grulla Elem. Receive Free Books

RGCCISD Press Release
Grulla Elementary students receive a free book from Reading is Fundamental (RIF), a nonprofit organization. RIF  inspire students to be lifelong readers.  The students will receive three free books throughout the year which they will enjoy reading.  Ms. Gomez'  kinder students enjoy reading at the library.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

RGC High School Holds Senior College Night

 RGCCISD Press Release
Rio Grande City High School College and Career Department sponsored Senior College Night on October 11, 2010.   Parents of high school students were invited to participate and obtain information on college application requirements and/or financial assistance.  Representatives from several universities and colleges were on hand to answer questions that parents or students might have.  Colleges and universities that participated at this event are; Texas A & M University-College Station, Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi, Texas A & M University- Kingsville, South Texas College, University of Texas-Pan American, University of Texas - San Antonio, Texas State University, University of Texas - Austin, and Texas A &  M International University. Mrs. Roxanne Garza- College and Career Advisor welcomed the parents and invited them to visit with the representatives of the different colleges to get valuable information on career and college choices.  She gave a brief overview of key points on different avenues for securing financial assistance and requirements for students to attend college.  Mrs. Garza along with the high school guidance department work diligently throughout the year to assist students. They help them in making their transition into a higher educational facility a successful one.  Pictured addressing the audience is Mr. Sebastian Dougherty (RGC High School  Ex Alumni)  representing Texas State University.  (RGCCISD Photo).

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Roma Grads Rewarded With Scholarships

(Caption Below)
 By: Delicia Ramirez, STC Upward Bound Program Coordinator
Three South Texas College Upward Bound Program graduates were recently awarded the Southwest Association of Student Assistance Programs (SWASAP) Regional Scholarship. Annai Benavides, Jesus Lopez and Edgar Villarreal, all Roma High School graduates, were named recipients of the $450 scholarship.

There students each participated in STC’s Upward Bound Program at Roma High School for four years. During that time, the students were actively involved in the program’s Saturday and summer instructional components. They took advantage of the supplemental instruction and tutoring offered through the program.

Each of them also met with their respective advisors, Gladys Eliserio and Imelda Flores, for college admissions assistance during their senior year. The advisors met with each student regularly to assist them in completing college applications, financial aid forms and scholarship applications. It was during this time that the each student received the application for the SWASAP scholarship. Students were required to complete an application and submit a resume and a personal statement. Their advisors also submitted letters of recommendation as part of the scholarship application packet.

AB Elem. Says “Thank You”

RGCCISD Press Release
Mrs. Adeline Cantu, Principal and Mr. Rene Peña, Assistant Principal, were surprised to receive their bosses’ day gifts.  People often ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads, and the boss drives.  On behalf of Alto Bonito Elementary faculty and staff we would like to thank our bosses, Mrs. Cantu and Mr. Peña for always being there and for having the drive to excel.

Monday, November 15, 2010

New Art Exhibit at Local College

“Visual Experience and Reflection,” an exhibit featuring artwork by Benjamin P. Varela, will be on display now through Dec. 10, 2010 at South Texas College’s Starr County Campus Library Art Gallery located at 142 FM 3167 in Rio Grande City. Admission is free and open to the public.

Varela was born in Brooklyn, New York and raised in a Puerto Rican home. Today, he is prolific artist and educator living and working in the Rio Grande Valley. He earned his Master of Fine Arts degree from The University of Texas-Pan American and is presently an art instructor at STC. 

He has exhibited his art in Spain, Mexico, Puerto Rico, New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago and throughout Texas. His work can be found in numerous public collections, including the Bronx Museum in New York, the Romo Collection of Mexican American Art Prints at UT Austin, the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center in Austin, and the Museum of South Texas in Corpus Christi, to name a few.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ringgold MS Hosts Parent Report Card Night


RGCCISD Press Release   
Ringgold Middle School had its first Parent Report Card Night on Tuesday, October 12, 2010. This night and others like it are organized to provide parents an opportunity to speak to teachers and administrators about their son/daughter's progress.  This night like the Meet the Teacher Night back in September was such a success due to all the parental support.  RMS would like to thank all their parents for participating in this event and for their continuous support.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Ringgold MS Students Collect "Pennies for Patients"

 RGCCISD Press Release
Ringgold Middle School students and administration participated in a Penny Drive for the Pennies for Patients Organization. RMS raised over $1000.00 over a two week period during month of October. The funds collected will benefit children with cancer.  The school will make the donation to Pennies for Patients Organization which was established in 1994. Since then millions of dollars have been raised in pennies and other spare change by more than 10 million elementary, middle and high school students throughout the country.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ringgold MS Hosts Red Ribbon Day Activities

RGCCISD Press Release
Ringgold Middle School hosted a Red Ribbon Drug Awareness Day on October 28, 2010 at the gym.  The purpose of this event was to expose students to the dangers of drugs. School administrators and staff express their appreciation to the different organizations and agencies who participated in this event. We thank the following organizations for contributing to the success of Red Ribbon Drug Awareness Day; STACADA SCAN, First Baptist Church, U.S. Customs, RGV Council, RGCCISD Police Dept., RMS Nursing Dept., and MHMR.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

GRS Elem. Holds Fire Safety Week

RGCCISD Press Release
Sparky and RGC Firefighters Spark Up Fire Safety Presentation for Students at Gen. Ricardo Sanchez Elementary

October 4-8 is designated as National Fire Safety week and General Ricardo Sanchez Elementary hosted some very special guests, Sparky and Rio Grande City firefighters, in order to acquaint students with fire safety tips.  A staged puppet show as well as the participation of Sparky definitely grasped the undivided attention of both staff members and students when introducing fire-safety.  Students as well as staff members participated in the activities planned and enjoyed this learning experience.

Homegrown Rep. Has Big Plans for Texas

AUSTIN -- With the 82nd Legislature just around the corner, Monday (Nov.8) morning was the first opportunity for members of the legislature to file legislation for the upcoming session.  As one of the first in line, Texas State Representative Ryan Guillen D-Starr County filed the first eight bills of the many he plans to pursue this session in his ongoing efforts to make Texas even better.

Measures he filed early Monday morning will:

 *   Punish cyber-bullies,
 *   Allow boaters to protect themselves with handguns on watercrafts,
 *   Honor active duty national guard members with a homestead tax freeze,
 *   Provide payment plans for court fines,
 *   Provide Medicaid coverage for all after hours doctor visits,
 *   More fairly rate the performance of Texas public schools,
 *   Protect consumers from untimely electric disconnections,
 *   Keep reckless teen drivers off the streets.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

JOH Elem. Held Annual Haunted House

RGCCISD Press Release
John & Olive Hinojosa Elementary held their annual Haunted House on Thursday, October 28, 2010. Students and staff were entertained by all the scenes which included: La Llorona, the Spider's Lair, the Haunted Castle, the Bates Motel, the funeral home, the cemetary scene, and a section where students were able to wear 3-D glasses. Everyone had a SPOOKTACULAR time!!!

RGCCISD Plans Support Group for Parents of Autistic Children

RGCCISD Press Release
Rio Grande City CISD Special Education Programs staff under the direction of Mr. Joseph Ellert met with parents of Autistic Children to begin planning process for initializing a support group for parents and siblings of students with Autism.  The meeting was lead by Mrs. Josie Amador and was assisted by Mrs. Letiicia Lopez, Ms. Cathie LaGrange, Mrs. Ronnie Bazan, Mr. Al Mendez and other staff . Many parents were present and voiced their concerns and came up with many ideas to inform the general public on Autism.  Parents feel that with more information available people will understand the needs of this special group of children.

Monday, November 8, 2010

RGC High Students Prep. for SATs

RGCCISD Press Release
RGCCISD Grulla High School Students Prepare for ACT and SAT
 A seminar was held recently for Grulla High School students to prepare them to take the SAT and ACT College Entrance Exams. Colleges and universities utilize the scores of these tests to evaluate student applications for acceptance.  The training session is the first step in preparing the students to understand the content of such examination, the importance of the scores and to prepare them to take the tests.  Mr. Carmelino from The University of Texas Pan American conducted the training which was coordinated by Mr. Rick Solis-College and Career Adviser, Mrs. Lily Alvarez and Melissa Salinas, Guidance Counselors.  This training was one of many activities that Mr. Solis and his staff in collaboration with Dr. Pablo Martinez (Principal) have scheduled in order to insure that the students are well prepared to meet the requirements for a post secondary education. (RGCCISD Photo).

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Cheerleaders/Personnel Support National Event

 RGCCISD Press Release 
RGC High School Cheerleader
Rio Grande City High School Cheerleaders participated at the National Night Out on October 5, 2010.  The event was sponsored by the Rio Grande City Police department and RGC Crime Stoppers.  The Cheerleaders directed by Miss Hermelinda Ayala and Mrs. Yadira Montalvo performed several selections for the audiences to enjoy.  The squad was also on hand to talk to children and pose for pictures.  Good Job Cheerleaders!

Friday, November 5, 2010

La Union Elem. Had a "Fantastic Friday"

RGCCISD Press Release 
Students were treated to a fun filled afternoon on Friday, October 1, 2010, to celebrate the successful end to the first six weeks. Ice cream was given as a special reward for academic and attendance incentives.  Pre-kindergarten through fifth grade students enjoyed an afternoon of activities such as football, soccer, basketball, moon jumps, hoola hoop contests and much, much more.  Pictured above are La Union Elementary students playing a friendly game of football.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Local Schools Recognize Breast Cancer Awareness Month

La Union Elementary Recognizes Breast Cancer Awareness Month
On Monday, October 18, 2010, students and staff joined together to recognize the importance of Breast Cancer Awareness month by proudly wearing pink! Students displayed their pink in a variety of ways - wearing pink shirts, caps, bracelets, pins, ribbons, sweaters, pants, etc. Pink was seen all around! On November 6, 2010, teachers and staff members of La Union Elementary will be participating in the 6th annual Starr County Relay for Life to show their support and unity in the fight against cancer.  Pictured above are students and staff members of La Union Elementary.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

2010 RGCCISD Election Results

 2010 RGCCISD Election Results

Trustee, Place 3
(I) Cesar Gonzalez                3,573

Trustee, Place 6
Andy Hernandez                  514
(I) Leo Lopez                      3,487

Trustee, Place 7
Claudio McKee                   407
(I) Basilio D. Villarreal, Jr.    3,572

LU Elem. Students Learn Bus Safety

RGCCISD Press Release
Local bus drivers visited La Union Elementary on September 21, 2010 to enrich students and teachers with bus safety rules and regulations.  Students were gathered to view a safety video on bus evacuation procedures and were taken aboard an actual school bus to practice those procedures. La Union Elementary students and staff would like to thank their bus drivers for their dedication to their job. Pictured above is Mrs. Julie Saenz's Kindergarten class.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

GMS Track Team Wins 1st Place

RGCCISD Press Release
Grulla Middle School Cross Country team traveled to the Roma Cross Country Invitational. GMS came in 1st place overall in all grade levels. 7th Grade Boys and Girls and 8th grade Boys and Girls. Pictured from (L-R)  First row-Yaritza Garcia, Erika Salinas, Esmeralda Ramos, Alonette Gonzalez, Miranda Garza, Victoria Gonzalez, Mckayla Bernal, Elvira Alamillo, Amalia Guerra, and Stephanie Falcon. Second row Celeste Elizondo, Deanne Alaniz, Yazmin Rangel, Neyla Pena, Itzi Rodriguez, Keila Dominguez, Mireya Zarazua, Jenny Sugura, Lisa Cantu, and Michelle Salazar. Third row- Adrian Sifuentes, Eliseo Montes, Xavier Acuna, Margil Garza, Jose Pina, Ricky Garcia, Ricky Flores, Juan Gutierrez, and Pablo Cardoza. Fourth row- Tony Garcia, Juan Velasquez, Ivan Castillo, Manuel Portillo, Saul Sanchez, Leo Tanguma, and Noe Vera. Fifth row- Coach Ray Flores, Coach Jessica Saenz, and Coordinator- Greg Lara. Not Pictured are Criselda Lopez, Jesse Flores, David Moreno, and Omar Nedelsky.

Monday, November 1, 2010

RGC Homecoming Parade and Bonfire 2010

Ringgold Middle School participates in the Rattler Homecoming Parade on Wednesday, October 20, 2010.  As part of the festivities RMS celebrates 2010 by recognizing the football teams and featuring them on a designated float at this event.

Rio Grande City High School Mighty Football team captains encouraged the players with motivational words on Wednesday, October 20, 2010. The whole community came out to support the Rattlers during the Homecoming Parade and Bonfire.  The program consisted of different performances by the school drill teams, cheerleaders, dance teams, Mariachi Cascabel and the Rattler Band.  Mr. Leo Lopez-School Board Member and Municipal Judge addressed the players with much enthusiasm.  The players were excited as the rally continued with the burning of the opponent's team's Letter and Mascot. RGCCISD photo.