The South Texas College Jaguars and The University of Texas at Brownsville Scorpions united recently to take the sting out of student transfers. Administrators and faculty from both institutions signed agreements covering 19 academic programs to ensure the seamless transfer of students from STC to UTB.
The agreements allow STC graduates who earn Associate of Art and Associate of Science degrees in the fields of art, biology, chemistry, communication arts, computer aided drafting and design, computer information systems technology, computer science, criminal justice, engineering, history, math, music, physics, political science, precision manufacturing, psychology, sociology and Spanish to seamlessly transfer to UTB to continue their studies toward a bachelor's degree.
“This articulation process is extremely important because it tells me that UTB has great confidence in the rigor of our education and the quality of our institution, and it shows the respect they have for STC and our community,” said Dr. Shirley A. Reed, STC president. “We are entering a new era when STC, UTB and The University of Texas-Pan American are working collaboratively to make things much smoother and seamless for Valley students.”
“As fast as STC, UTPA and UTB grow, the population is growing much faster. It outpaces everything we can do. It’s only the notion of collective impact that will help us keep pace and create those needed pathways to higher education,” said UTB President Juliet V. Garcia. “We have to work harder together to make sure there is no abyss for students to fall into. When we create these pathways to college we are opening the door to an entire family, not just one student, to a new world of opportunities.”
Juan E. Mejia, STC vice president for academic affairs, also shared his sincere appreciation to Dr. Alan Artibise, UTB provost, for his leadership in helping craft the agreements between both institutions.
"When you are working with leaders like Alan that have a sincere interest in student success, you have a unique opportunity to accomplish great things," said Mejia. “Through Alan’s championship and the hard work of his team, coupled with the dedication of STC’s Academic Affairs team, our regional students have expanded access to phenomenal opportunities to continue their studies at a tremendous institution.
“We are thankful to the leaders across The University of Texas System for their creative spirit and service to our communities,” he added. “We share a special bond with both UTB and UTPA. These universities recognize the value of our students and are committed to 100 percent articulation with STC.”
For more information about STC call 956-872-8311 or visit www.southtexascollege.edu. For more information about UTB call 956-882-8200 or visit www.utb.edu.
Photo caption:STC and UTB administrators following the articulation signing.