“Education is the foundation of success for our global economy and we made this donation to ensure that worthy students have a chance to make a positive impact on our region, nation and world in the years to come,” said Alma Ortega Johnson, president for the Upper Rio Grande Valley Division of Wells Fargo.
STC Valley Scholars was founded in 1997 to provide the financial assistance, academic support services, mentoring, and leadership development to help academically talented and highly motivated students be successful in college. More than 630 students have graduated through the program and gone on to study at premier universities around the nation including The University of Texas-Pan American, Texas A&M University, The University of California and Emerson College.
“The Wells Fargo Foundation donation means more of our Valley students have their dreams within reach and we extend our sincere appreciation to the entire Wells Fargo family for believing in our students,” said Anahid Petrosian, STC assistant to the vice president of academic affairs “These monies will keep our academic stars shining at STC. It shows our students that their hard work and determination is recognized and gives them the motivation to keep working toward the important goal of earning a college degree."
The mission of the Wells Fargo Foundation is to build strong and vibrant communities, improve the quality of life, and make a positive difference. It is a private foundation providing grants to eligible 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations to support these focus areas: education, community development, health and human services, arts and culture, the environment, and civic life.
For more information about STC’s Valley Scholars Program call 956-872-1952 or visit http://academicaffairs.southtexascollege.edu/academicexcellence/valleyscholars/.
Photo caption:
From left are Anahid Petrosian, STC assistant to the vice president for academic affairs; Itzel Canales, STC Valley Scholar recipient; Mario Reyna, STC division dean of business and technology; Alma Ortega Johnson, president for the Upper Rio Grande Valley Division of Wells Fargo; Gabrielle Marroquin, STC Valley Scholar recipient; and Corinne Kelley, STC Valley Scholars Program coordinator.
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