“We are looking for poems, short stories, essays, short plays and art work that will display the myriad of perspectives and talent from across the Rio Grande Valley,” said Lanesa Poulton, STC faculty advisor for the publication. “We are especially hoping to shine light on the work of current and former STC students who are the creative leaders of tomorrow. We have an incredibly diverse set of students at the college and they have amazing stories to tell that lend themselves to many art forms.”
The deadline for submission for consideration for inclusion in the magazine is Nov. 30, 2011. Only three total submissions per contributor will be forwarded to the selection committee and each contributor can have no more than two entries accepted for final publication.
Text files should be saved as “rtf” documents and artwork files should be saved as “jpg” files with a minimum of 300 dpi high resolution. Prose submissions should be no longer than 3,000 words, and poetry submissions should be no longer than five pages.
Entries should only include the name of the author on the submission form, which is available at http://www.southtexascollege.edu/interstice/Site/Submissions.html. Names should not be included on the actual submission and the selection process is a blind process.
All submissions must be submitted electronically and e-mailed to interstice@southtexascollege.edu. For additional information about STC’s “Interstice” contact editors Colleen Brooks Edgar at cbedgar@southtexascollege.edu or Lanesa Poulton at lpoulton@southtexascollege.edu.
Photo caption:
“Dahlia,” by Michael Shapcott was featured on the cover of the 2011 issue of STC’s “Interstice.”
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