South Texas College President Shirley A. Reed has been elected to serve on the American Association of Community Colleges Board of Directors. Founded in 1920, the AACC is the leading proponent and the national voice for community colleges. As a member of the association’s board, Reed will help guide the vision and direction of the association.
“It is quite an honor to be elected to this position and my hope is to share lessons learned throughout my four decade career in higher education with my peers at the AACC so that we can continue to enhance the association’s function as the voice of community colleges,” said Reed.
In its recent report, “Reclaiming the American Dream: Community Colleges and the Nation’s Future”, the AACC highlights the important role community colleges play in the new 21st Century, global economy.
“The American Dream is at risk,” reads the report. “Because a highly educated population is fundamental to economic growth and a vibrant democracy, community colleges can help reclaim the dream, but stepping up to this challenge will require dramatic redesign of these institutions, their mission, and, most critically, their students’ educational experiences.”
The report goes on to make recommendations for community college leaders to make transformational changes at their institutions to better meet the needs of a new breed of student, including focusing on not just student access, but long term success; stronger degree planning; using data to make decisions; collective responsibility for outcomes; and developing a culture of collaboration, among many others.
“These recommendations follow closely to the principles that guide our daily operations at STC, all focused on providing students the learning experience they need to succeed rather than taking a cookie-cutter approach that often overlooks the obstacles and the opportunities that are unique to students in each community,” said Reed. “This is an exciting time to be on the AACC Board because I have the opportunity to play an important role in moving forward the organization’s national agenda.
“There are more than 1,000 community colleges and community college systems spread across North America,” she concluded. “I know that many will benefit from the lessons we have learned at STC and in turn we can get ideas for further improving our own institution.”
Reed was elected to the 32-member board by her peers in the AACC, which include other presidents and CEOs from community colleges around the United States and Canada. She will serve a three year term on the board starting in July 2012 through June 2015.
For additional information about the AACC visit www.aacc.nche.edu.
Photo Caption:
STC President Shirley A. Reed.
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